What is ACSIS?
ACSIS is the 'Algonquin College Staff Information System'. ACSIS is a secure website that requires a valid employee number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) for access. The ACSIS site integrates with the existing College database systems, so faculty can access their information at their convenience.
What can ACSIS do?
Once the faculty member has successfully logged into the system, ACSIS will provide:
- Faculty Member Timetables for current and previous terms
- Course information for current and previous terms
- Course Specific Class List information
- Important Academic year dates
- Faculty members also have the ability to change their ACSIS PIN
Algonquin College is working everyday to add additional features and services that will enhance staff experience on ACSIS. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at https://algonquincollege.force.com/myACRegistrarOffice
When can I log in to the system?
The Faculty ACSIS site is unavailable from the Internet, and is only accessible from within the College network. You are able to log in to the system either through the Intranet while at the college or through Virtual Private Network (VPN). ACSIS is available Monday through Friday 6:30am to 12:00am and on Sunday 6:30am to 7:00pm.
How secure is this system?
Algonquin College is using Secure Server IDs to authenticate and identify Algonquin College servers and to enable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect student data. This will require a browser with a minimum of 128-bit encryption.
The ACSIS site contains additional security provisions for logins. The ACSIS site will lock you out of the site if you have made too many failed login attempts. You will be prompted to contact the Registrar's Office and verify your identity in order to reactivate your ACSIS account.
Algonquin College is not responsible if you have provided someone else with your PIN. You must keep your PIN confidential at all times. You have the ability to change your PIN if you believe it has been compromised.
Algonquin College does not recommend you sharing your PIN with anyone and will never ask you for your PIN to verify your identity.
What is the ACSIS PIN?
ACSIS: If you are currently a full or part-time faculty member of Algonquin College you will have access to the ACSIS web site. If you have network access or another Internet service you may log in at anytime. Your default password is your Employee Number, and provides you the ability to change your PIN once logged in.
You have the ability to change your password to the ACSIS site if the password has been compromised.
Please contact us at https://algonquincollege.force.com/myACRegistrarOffice if you have difficulty accessing the system or are locked out.
What is Secure Socket Layer (SSL)?
When you come across a web page that is secured, your browser will likely display a 'closed lock' or other symbol to inform you that SSL has been enabled. The web site address should also now start with "https://" rather than the usual "http://".
SSL allows a secure connection between your web browser and a web server. Algonquin College has purchased a Digital Certificate from VeriSign to uniquely identify our servers for you to feel confident in a secure data exchange.
Please go to the following URL for additional security information:
Algonquin College is working to provide additional functionality and accessibility to our clients via the ACSIS system. We hope that you find this system useful, and we recommend that you check your information daily for the latest information. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at https://algonquincollege.force.com/myACRegistrarOffice.